What it is

My misadventures + insights on living intentionally. I try to only share things I find useful in life, work, and design.

What it’s not

A catch-all, know-it-all newsletter. To me, living intentionally means showing vulnerability and living honestly. This means embracing our imperfect human nuisances and all the mistakes that come along with them. Sometimes it can be a pain in the ass but most of the time, it gets us a little bit closer to answering the question: why am I here?

That being said, here’s my belief:
Everything happens in life happens for a reason, as long as we give it one.

Who I am

My name is Kim. I’m a pre-med turned product designer. Previously design @ Better, Evernote, and Christina’s. kimthuytu.com


Happy to have you on this journey. Let’s figure out life together:

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Misadventures + insights on living intentionally. (Sometimes I write about design, too.)


Intj, coffee enthusiast, designer